My name is Lottie Lemon and I see dead people. Okay, so I rarely see dead people, mostly I see furry creatures of the dearly departed variety, aka dead pets, who have come back from the other side to warn me of their previous owners impending doom.
It turns out, everything I thought I knew about my relationship with the man of my dreams was a lie, so when I’m asked to cater sweet treats to a party honoring a very important judge, of course, I dive right in to get my mind off of things. But when I set up the dessert buffet and spot the ghost of a girl I was accused of killing just last month, I realize this night isn’t going to go off without a homicide in its giddy-up. Try as I might to stop it, another murder strikes our community, and not only am I determined to solve this crime, but I’m determined to heal my broken heart, too. In both cases, it seems I’ve bitten off far more cookie than I can chew.