The Tuesday teaser! – Addison Moore

The Tuesday teaser!

Look who decided to show up? (me!) Sorry about last Tuesday, but here we are again with Monday behind us and Friday already looming on the horizon. Yes!
     Speaking of Friday, I have another cover reveal coming up! This time for ROCK CANDY KISSES (3:AM Kisses #5) Annie's story! Yay!!! I can't wait to get this one to you. Just thinking about it gives me the warm fuzzies. I know a few of you especially are looking forward to Annie's story as much as I am. For those who don't quite remember Annie, she's Bryson and Holt's younger sister who happens to be deaf. Her story is close to my heart since my father and son are hard of hearing, both deaf in one ear and partial hearing in the other. It can be hard for deaf people to navigate the world, even for those that are hard of hearing. It is a good thing that there are hearing aids available to those who need them from resources like, let's hope that advancement in this technology is ongoing. I'm doing quite a bit of research for Rock Candy because I'm determined to get this right. I think you'll be pleased with how the story unfolds, delicately yet in an exciting manner that Annie is worthy of. 
     Book news! The Dragon and the Rose. I'm hanging out with the naughty Sector again. It's raining something awful on Paragon (no news there) and surprises abound around every corner. To quote Chloe Bishop, “Oh, what a wicked web we weave.” Indeed, there are no truer words, especially when it comes to our Paragon peeps. The thing with any Celestra book is it takes more time than others to complete (simply because it's paranormal and takes place outside of the natural world-so many rules, demons and angels oh my!) It's smexy. Be warned.
    Other book news! Beautiful Illusions (Beautiful Oblivion #2) is coming together! Edits are underway and I have about two weeks until I tie a pretty little bow over the manuscript and toss it to the ground to use as a doorstop because that baby is done. I should have it in your hands by the end of the month. I'm toying with about 3 release dates right now and I'll let you know which I land on very, very soon. Can I just tell you how much I've swooned over Gavin Jackson??? Gavin is all man, and I can't wait until I can properly introduce you to him. (Or reintroduce as it were since we briefly met Gavin in Beautiful Oblivion.) Gavin and Demi's story is unique and the way the plot unfurls is unlike any story I've written before so I truly hope you'll enjoy it. 

On to the teasers!

    Beautiful Illusions (Beautiful Oblivion

*Can be read as a standalone.
(Demi's POV)
“It's pretty bad out there. I'm glad you're
inside.” His cut features make it hard to look away. Something about those
hypnotic, glowing eyes magnetize me, and I'm sure every other woman, to him. “But
you don't look too prepared for what's being billed as the snowstorm of the
century.” He tilts in, inspecting me from head to toe and his sizzling gaze
feels as if it's tearing a fire line up my body. He's not the type of man I'm
usually paired with, but then, this is the first time I'm advancing to a bodily
exchange for cash.
The Dragon and the Rose (Celestra Forever
After #2)
*Logan's POV
(Logan and Gage after Ellis engages them
both in a conversation about sex.) 

“Sounds painful.” Exactly how it's going
to feel when I push Ellis's head through a plate glass window for bringing it
Gage smirks at the idea. “Not when you do
it right.”
Looks like I'll be
pushing two heads through the window tonight. 

*(Side note: I had another tease all set to go, much longer and juicier but then realized how spoilery it was. Sorry!)

*See you Friday for the cover reveal of
Have a great week!
Amber J. says September 10, 2014

Oh, Marshall, Marshall, Marshall – my favorite resident of Paragon. I'm so so very glad to hear he's still in the mix and that you two are conspiring together.

And I just bought all the books in the KISSES series in one fell swoop to rev up for the release of Rock Candy, so I'm looking forward to a marathon read this weekend.

Keep these projects coming.
The more Moore the merrier 🙂

AddisonMoore says September 12, 2014

Amber J. – Marshall is my fav as well. He's my go-to character when anyone asks which character I'd like to hang out with for the day. Marshall always wins.
I really hope you'll enjoy the 3:AM series! It's a steamy romantic comedy. Should be a heated read weekend. Enjoy!

swalker says September 12, 2014

Oh! I can't wait to read Rock Candy Kisses! It's not a subject that you read about often. I have a sister who is deaf, so your interpretation will be interesting. Will be fantastic, I'm sure.

AddisonMoore says September 15, 2014

swalker – I really am trying to do Annie's story justice. I think her love story might be the most exciting, angst driven, and sweetest of the 3:AM bunch. *hopes*

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