Tuesday Tease – Addison Moore

Tuesday Tease

Welcome back to the Tuesday Tease!
I hope you’ve had an awesome week! I finally sent Evanescent off to the editor yesterday and she should have it
back to me in two weeks. Hopefully it won’t be too much longer after that.

B&N~! Yay!!!!!! *cries a little* I really hope you'll enjoy reading it as
much as I enjoyed writing it. Marshall is miffed he wasn’t in it. He demands a
POV.  (The book is slowly grafting over to iBookstore. So sorry for the wait.) 

Elysian~! Oh the sexual tension, the angst, the all out hatred
toward Chloe. It all ends. Well, maybe not the general feelings toward Chloe,
but the rest of it does. 😉 I’m getting close to penning the end. My goal is
this week or next, but whatever happens I want to do it right. Things are on
track, and the book isn’t crazy long (yet) so all is looking good.  
To the teasers~!

EVANESCENT (The Countenance trilogy 2)

Laken is visiting Cooper’s house with plans to spend the night.
*Cooper’s point of view
“I’ll get you some blankets. You like your
pillow soft or hard?” A smile tugs on my lips when I say it. It seems like everything
turns into sexual banter with her, with or without any effort. Laken seems to
pull the dirty perv out of me without trying.
“Soft or hard?” She mouths the words with a
river of laughter bubbling from her chest. “I don’t plan on sleeping down here,
Coop. I very much plan on sleeping right next to you.”
ELYSIAN (Celestra Series Book 8) The final book
in the young adult series.
*(Lizbeth holding baby Beau in the kitchen with Tad, Gage, and
Skyla. Lizbeth and Tad are heading out of town for the weekend. The baby is
markedly fussy.)
“What’s happening?” My heart rate spikes and I’m halfway ready to
get the fire extinguisher just to put myself at ease.
“He’s going number two,” Mom says, plucking off his cute baby jeans
and fiddling with the tabs on his diaper. “I’ve got him on elimination
communication—you know, going over the toilet.”
Dear God. How old is he? Two, three, months?
“Look”—she snips over at me—“don’t let things get out of control
for once.” She leans into Gage. “You’re welcome to spend the night if you
like.” She winks a smile as if she’s flirting. “Downstairs, on the couch of
course.” She waves to me. “Be good!”
“Spend the night?” Tad snaps up Beau’s clothes from the ground as
he trails Mom to the bathroom. “Just how many grandkids do you think you can
strap to your back, Lizbeth?”
I give an uncomfortable smile to Gage. Every awkward moment I’ve
had with this boy has been compliments of Tad and my mother.
“So?” He presses out one of his signature dimpled grins, and my
insides boil with lust. “How many grandkids should we give her?”
Hope you enjoyed~!

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Amy says March 12, 2013

What!?! Not crazy long yet? Come on now, you know we expect nothing less than crazy long books. That's one of the things I love about your books! 🙂

I'm in the middle of EK and loving it, although it is taking me twice as long to read because I keep going from EK on my Nook to Ethereal on my iPad Nook app to refresh my memory on Skyla's POV from each scene. Ultimate Nerdgirl here. And if you were trying to endear us more to Gage, it is working! I never would have guessed how much he went through if not for his POV in this book. I'm really hoping you continue this Logan/Gage POV for the other books. No pressure or anything. 😉

Niyla M :-) says March 12, 2013

Hi Addison! I'm 15 and an avid reader of your books. I have a question….why do so many Indie authors move from YA to Adult Contempary? (I've never read any books BTW-too young!)
Thanks 🙂
PS it'll mean the world if you reply

dominicsmama says March 13, 2013

Please hurry with Elysian!! Your POV are killing me. Plus I can't wait for the grown up Skyla as well!

AddisonMoore says March 13, 2013

Amy – Now, you know I'm going to take your leeway to write a long book and run with it, lol! I'm so glad you're loving EK! I had to go back and update two things, a kiss Gage gave on her forehead and eliminate Drake and Brielle from a scene. It was tougher than I thought it would be!

Niyla M 🙂 – Hi Niyla! Pretty name! Good question! Well, I can't speak for all writers but I do know that the relationship between the main characters can be intensified in New Adult. I plan to write books in both genres because YA is still a place I enjoy being. Another reason might be because the college years are just as fun as the high school years. Just a thought. I hope that helps! And thank you so much for reading my books!

dominicsmama – I can't wait to share grown up Skyla with you, too! It was fun writing about her young adult journey and I hope you'll enjoy the next leg of her life as well. 🙂

Niyla M :-) says March 13, 2013

Hi Addison~! Thanks for the reply, I appreciate that you answer unlike some other authors. I have another question (I promise it's the last) Is the ethereal film going to be coming out anytime soon and will your celestra series ever come in paperback rather than e-book?
BTW I've always thought of my name as odd. I think it's Irish 🙂

Kim Haggard says March 13, 2013

Thank you Addison for the wonderful Celestra series, so far. I can't wait for Elysian. I read all 8 books in about 10 days. I hope Skyla finally gets some real revenge on Chloe. Your name is awesome. It's the same as my niece's. If you ever need a good editor I find every mistake in every book I've ever read. Much love and happy writing.

jasmine01 says March 14, 2013

I am so excited for Elysian to come out!!! Can I just say how much I love your books and can never get enough of them? I can say that u are my favorite author and as of starting our series I have refused to read any other 🙂

redheads rule says March 14, 2013

It has to be crazy long because I read really fast and I will be done too fast and that cant happen. I would die. 🙂

Jami Freed says March 14, 2013

I cant wait to read ek. The day I bought it, someone stole my kindle out of my car 🙁 Times are tough so waiting till I had enough to buy a new one took a lil bit. Luckily it will be here soon. I will dive into it as soon as its in my hands. As for the teasers.. ugg Its making me crazy waiting to figure out who Skyla will choose. Even harder to decide who I WANT her to choose. Ill always have a soft spot for Gage, but Logan has his moments too.. And Marshall!! Well who wouldn't want him? Im also really excited for Evanescent, looking forward to more of Laken and Coopers story. Very intrigued for SLY as well… Hurry up Kindle i need my Addison fix!! Thank goodness you so amazingly sent me a copy of Ephemeral months ago or I would of been outta my mine with nothing to read!! xoxo

AddisonMoore says March 14, 2013

Niyla M 🙂 – Ask away! I really don't mind. The TV series is most likely on a shelf but I'm guessing all things are possible. As for the e-books, I'm close to getting them in hardback. In fact I'm glad I waited because the books are such various lengths I need to figure out what size to make the actual hard copy. Sorry if that makes no sense! I'm going to revamp ETHEREAL as soon as I can and then i'll get the ball rolling. I'll be selling signed copies on my blog for the same price as other retailers. And, I still love your name! 🙂

Kim Haggard – Ack! I love you for ripping through them! And please tell your niece she has an awesome name. 😉 lol! I might take you up on that proofreading offer one day!

jasmine01 – Oh my gosh! You are too sweet. I hope you'll find tons of books that interest you. But I'm severely flattered you heart mine. Thank you for that!

redheads rule – fear not. lol! It's headed toward VEX territory and I have about 17 more scenes to go. *sigh*

Jami Freed – Are you serious! I'm so sorry!!!! I hope it's getting replaced for free. The thought of it getting stolen makes me all kinds of sad. /As for Skyla choosing… lets say the task is much to her discontent. ELYSIAN is a tough book and things happen. I hope you'll like the end! 😉 I really hope you're enjoying EPHEMERAL. Book 2 is almost ready to launch. I had so much fun penning EVANESCENT. I hope you'll enjoy it too!!!

Jami Freed says March 15, 2013

Sadly no it wasnt free. the warranty doesnt cover lost or stolen kindles. Ill get all my books back since luckily they are saved in my amazon account. I did enjoy reading Ephemeral again. I so love my kindle, having so many books on hand at anytime (unless it gets stolen…boo) is awesome, but i forgot how much I love the feel and smell of a new book. I hope they all make it to print. I definitely have room on my Jamis favs book shelf for them.
well my new kindle hopefully will be here tomorrow. If not before Monday… Cant wait to start EK. Hope you and your family have a great weekend!! xoxo

AddisonMoore says March 16, 2013

Jami Freed – I'm so sorry. That's so terrible. I really wish there were some insurance for that. Thank God for the Amazon cloud. I hope a million good things come your way to make up for that. Hugs! Enjoy your weekend girl!

kcasanova88 says March 17, 2013

Finally able to publish again in the blog. Love the teases. Can't wait for the new books. I moved from Florida to Puerto Rico so excited I get to tell new people about your books.

Amber J. says March 18, 2013

Hey Addison, I just subscribed to your newsletter, yay! (so late, I know 🙁 you have so much going on, I feel like I need a Celestra crash course to catch up lol)

But I had a light bulb moment, well, two actually:

1. If Logan and Barron both have the same parents, and Logan is the 2nd purest Celestra and Barron is mostly Levatio, but they both have some amount of their mother's recessive Count DNA, right? And Barron must have passed it on to Gage and his sister, then how come Gage didn't glow blue like Logan at the end of BURN?
(this question just popped into my head out of nowhere – so random)

2. I was going to say Goran Visnjic would be the perfect Dimitri, but I saw you wrote that the series might have been shelved 🙁 say it isn't so. I bet the Celestra/A.Moore fandom could run a Kickstarter campaign that would out-do even Veronica Mars lol, to bring Ethereal-The Movie to life =) Just tell us what we can do and we will make it happen.

AddisonMoore says March 18, 2013

kcasanova88 – Yay! I'm glad to have you posting again! And wow what a move! I bet you have great weather and beautiful scenery. How awesome is that!

Amber J. No, they work like blood types. I think it was mentioned as early as Ethereal. Gage is a happy Levatio. As for the series, I'll have to ask my film agent. I'm hoping for all good things. Now if only he'll take my calls, lol! And I LOVED the wildness that went on last week with kickstarter! That just made my weeeeeek!

Missy says March 21, 2013

I need more!!!! My house is a disaster, the kids are being neglected, and the hubs is taking over the kitchen for me. I guess it is back to reality, until the next one comes out. Can't wait.

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