This Boxed set includes the entire Countenance Trilogy!
Ephemeral (The Countenance Trilogy 1)
In the grand scheme of things, you'll be dead a lot longer than you'll ever be alive. The last thing Laken Stewart remembers is the oncoming car, then bursting through the windshield. Two months dissolve without her knowledge and she finds herself in unfamiliar surroundings with strangers who not only profess to know her but insist she's someone else entirely. Laken discovers her long dead boyfriend, Wesley, has been thrown into this alternate world as well. He is quick to inform her she suffered a horrible fall and that her memory hasn't fully returned. According to Wesley the other life she had--her name, her family, they were simply a side effect of her brain trauma. In her quest for answers she meets Cooper Flanders, the son of her psychiatrist who readily believes every word she says. Laken Stewart knows she died on that hot July afternoon, but now she's alive--or is she?
Evanescent (The Countenance Trilogy 2)
Sixteen-year-old Laken Stewart died last summer. Her resurrection at the hands of the Countenance hasn't run smoothly. With the memory of her past life still firmly intact, Laken moves deeper into the Countenance organization in an effort to free her mother and sister from the deadly Celestra tunnels. The love she feels for her boyfriend, Wesley, is compromised when gorgeous Cooper Flanders teams up with her in the fight to free their families. Old bonds are slowly severed as new ones are galvanized. Wesley is sure that what he and Laken share is special but when it becomes apparent that she's reading his mind, he's determined to get to the bottom of her true intentions. And one thing is for sure, the Celestra that's giving her these powers is going to have to pay. Wesley's love for Laken takes him to dark places he never believed existed, and what he discovers dismantles his world as he knows it.
Entropy (The Countenance Trilogy 3)
Laken Stewart is sure of one thing--she must free her loved ones from the notorious Celestra tunnels. Laken along with Cooper Flanders set out to free their families from the hands of the Countenance before it's too late. Laken will do anything to assure their safety, even if it means losing the one she truly loves. When Laken finds herself in a position that might embed her into the Countenance organization for all eternity, her faith in her ability to pull off the ultimate sacrifice wavers. Once her old boyfriend, Wesley, realizes who he really is, and what the Counts have cost him, he's more determined than ever to win Laken back. Laken's heart becomes divided, and yet she knows she must make a decision that has the power to shape all of their destinies forever. Laken has fallen hard for Cooper, but Wesley is back, and now her heart is torn. Cooper would give up his life to protect Laken, and he might just have to. Wesley remembers everything from his true past, and he wants Laken more than ever--nothing or no one will stand in his way.