LOL. Just come to Austin. We have frequent Matthew sightings 😉 I'm SOOOO excited about your meeting!! Fortunately, I had not headed into Starbucks yet so the loud SQUEE went unnoticed.
Curse you and those teasers!! Made my heart hurt a little for Gage. I STILL don't like Logan and Marshall, per usual, made me laugh. A good sense of humor is so important and he's certainly put up with a lot from Skyla. #TeamMargage 😉
I am seriously so excited for the next book! I'm too darn impatient, I want it now! But I'm glad you take your time to get the books just right instead of pushing out something mediocre to satisfy everyone. The books are well worth the wait! These teasers are killing me though… 😛
Thanks for the teasers – they're killing me! I'm a new reader and probably a little unusual as I'm in my thirties! But I have to say that very few writers have the ability to make me say WTF at a book's ending like you!
Lisa – Interview with him in the a.m.! And a POV short later in the week! I'm super excited to share!
Heather – I love your Margage devotion! LOL! So much more fun to come this week. I'll keep FB and twitter alive with who's onboard for the day. Logan's up at bat tomorrow. 😉
Nichelle Cross – Oh wow thank you! I really do try to put my best foot forward and Book 7 is the biggest of them all which means looong edits. I'll keep the teasers coming though.
lizziedee – Thank you for reading~! I'm not sixteen either but we can still enjoy the escape right? Plus I'm emotionally stunted in my teens so that helps, lol!
HOLY WOW!!! umm Skyla-Logan HAWTNESS! srsly… i don't even need a cover … I just want to READ!!!
Heather Robbins – Hello you! LOL! At the pace I'm moving it may not get a cover. At least I'm done with the draft. Now edits… 😉
I have to say Addison, that you have truly brought a ton of love, joy, excitement galore, & frustrastion into my life and I'm grateful to be allowed to get to know these sweet, rebellious, occaisionally moronic balls of hormones! I've had a desire to hop into your Celestra world for so very, many reasons that are too large in number to count!
But at the end of Expel I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or give up! You have no idea the pleasure you've brought to my life with the Celestra series…but when is it going to finally end? When are all our questions going to be answered? When is good finally going to kick some evil count a$*? When will Skyla quit leading 4 different men along and finally freakin choose her ONE? She needs to so she can finally be crowned Queen of the Celestra! I don't want it to end but I think its time!
Your written language really confused me this book. I have a huge vocabulary, I'm an avid reader and I'm a pretty intelligent young lady but was having to use my kindle dictionary almost every page with all the random words you were shooting out (btw, I learned a lot and/or was reminded of things I've learned in my life)! Lastly, what's up with all the 'eff this' 'no effing way' and the rest of the effing going around? No one talks like that and to keep from dropping so many "eff-bombs" freaking, friggin', frockin, and funking make much more pleasent filler words…in my opinion.
I do still love you, Paragon, boy-crazy Skyla and all her boys but isn't it time for some "Happily Ever Afters" to start happening for the ones we love so dearly?!!
kam110476 – Hi Kam! I really do appreciate your feedback. The Celestra series ends in book 8. Thank you so much for reading. I have fresh teasers and info each week on Facebook if you're interested.
You sooo rock with getting back w/ you readers so quickly! I can't even fathom how you have time to answer every single comment, write, what, 2-3 books at a time, eat, sleep, take care of a family, etc. You must have at least 30 hrs in a day compared to the rest of the world! You're like super-human! (In no way does DP do that for me!)
I thought later I was rude in my post and please accept my apologies for that. I truly am sorry that it came out that way! I'm just so excited to hear all the other wicked awesome ideas and books you have stored in that super human brain of yours!
BTW, I meant to tell you that Gage's pov of meeting Skyla was wicked funny (I almost peed myself a little)! I'm still on the fence of which boy team I'm on after Expel, but I think Logan is the ONE. Maybe it's b/c he's closer to my age (you know, in his real life/light driving yrs) but he just seems to love more deeply, more seriously, and more truly.
PS…Facebook is my meth so I closed my account so that I would eat, sleep, walk my dog, and live in all the beautifu worlds I read about daily-Paragon included and at the top! 🙂
Again, my sincerest apologies for last night. = think maybe I was a little too emotional after the ending of Expel, because I really do think you're a wicked fabulous writer and I will ALWAYS buy and read anything you've written!
kam110476 – Hi Kam! Oh don't apologize! You were fine. I really do appreciate hearing peoples thoughts.
I'm super glad to hear you enjoyed the Gage POV! I really want to do something with Logan and Gage this summer but I'm still at the percolating idea stage of the game.
I really hope you'll stop by my FB page. You can still do that without an account, right? It's a bad habit of mine not to update my blog with the same info.
Right now I'm letting readers choose the title of the next CELESTRA book, either TOXIC or POISON. In the event you'd like to leave you're vote here that's fine, too. 🙂
100% without a doubt TOXIC! Many time while reading the series I've thought of "Celestra soundtrack songs" and Britney Spears' song "Toxic" is in thelist of songs I listen to when reading.
There's my vote! Can't wait to find out what you choose!
Happy Tuesday Addison!! 😀
kam110476 – Thanks for voting! That seems to be the running favorite. BTW, Toxic by Britney Spears inspired a lot of BURN!
Im finishing book 6 and I am dying for book 7! Wonderfully written! Maybe that's the bad part cause I can't stop reading or weeping over the fact that book 7 isn't out yet! Thank you for these books. Im enamored to them!
Im finishing book 6 and I am dying for book 7! Wonderfully written! Maybe that's the bad part cause I can't stop reading or weeping over the fact that book 7 isn't out yet! Thank you for these books. Im enamored to them!
Stephanie – Thank you so much for reading! I so wish I had book 7 TOXIC ready to give you. It's still on track for end of summer. I'm thrilled to pieces you're enjoying the series so far!!! Thank you again! 🙂